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May 2020

Under the Mask: The Little Things

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As the country dips it’s feet back into the “normal” pond, I’ve been noticing the contrast between how I behaved way-back-when and some of the new habits that I’ve picked up since the world shut down, which I’m sure are very, very common.

Here are the top five in no particular order:

I learned not to jaywalk when I moved to Los Angeles over 20 years a go.  You can and will get a ticket. And it’s dangerous.  But once all the cars went away, I confess I’ve been doing it more than I’ve been crossing at corners. Carefully. 

My low impulse control forces me to put my fast food in the back seat so I won’t automatically start eating the fries on the way home with my un-freshly-washed hands.

My mask is now the thing I have to keep going back into the house for, always remembering it just as the door closes. And, similar to my reading glasses, I now have multiple ones but either have all of them together or can’y find any of them.

I admit to previously getting annoyed standing on lines where people left too much of a gap, impeding the feeling of progress.  Now my irritation arises from those who stand to close, whether it’s to me or others.

One habit that hasn’t died but now seems useless is that when I pass others and make eye contact, I feel compelled to smile.  I continue to do this knowing full well my gesture of goodwill is covered up.  

I wish I could say more profound changes have occurred, but if they have, they haven’t become apparent to me yet.  I’ll keep you posted!

Time in the Time of the Virus

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I always find it strange how fast a week seems to have gone by despite how slow the days may seem to be passing.  With no appointments, obligations, work or anything to differentiate the days, here are the markers I’m using.

Sunday Trash at curb for Monday morning pick up

Monday Return trash cans to driveway

Tuesday Make sure car is parked on West side of street

Wednesday Make sure car is parked on East side of street

Thursday Check calendar to see if it’s Thursday or Friday

Friday Host takes trash to curb so no one parks where bins go

Saturday Easy to throw out dog poop because most people have bins out already

Along with 4 dog walks a day, I’ve been spending most of my time working on The Silent Goldens documentary, my latest life-organization ideas, and adding to my Because It’s Punny series for my Gallery of tRuth collection, as seen in the picture.  

I can’t say I’ve been getting a lot done, but I can say I’m doing more than usual!  Little victories daily.  That’s how I’m rolling!