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August 2019

The Silent Goldens Film Excerpts Available

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September has always been a big month for me since it’s my birthday month. Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, also generally occurs in September.  Those two events, combined with the back-to-school vibe I continue to feel (despite the fact it’s been years since I’ve attended) give me a deep feeling of gratitude, a mental reset,  and a recommitment to the priorities in my life – the biggest one right now being The Silent Goldens documentary.

As I discovered just a few years ago, the planets also aligned to make September Suicide Prevention Month, giving me the perfect opportunity to unveil the new excerpt video created from the family conversations filmed in January on  These clips are being submitted with the grant applications we’ve been writing this summer and accompanying our pitches to potential large donors.   So far we’ve had overwhelmingly positive response from all who have seen it, which is extremely encouraging and motivating!!

I must note that this is still a rough edit in terms of coverage, color correction, audio mix, and all the precision work that makes you not notice all those aspects of the film when they are done well.  It is our “proof of concept” that interesting conversations are interesting to watch and that talking about suicide loss is highly interesting.  Unlike a “teaser,” the clips don’t explain the whole story, but will ideally encourage anyone who views them to read the backstory and proposal information we send or that is on our website.  And then to give us money!  

Please feel free to share the clips, your feedback, and any contacts you have that might be interested in supporting a project like this.  It’s ready to go – we just need the dough!  

Also, we are always happily and gratefully accepting individual donations here, which are tax deductible through our fiscal sponsorship with the 501c3 Intl Documentary Association.  Our current goal is to raise $15,000 this fall to finish filming all my family conversations by the end of the year.  Memorial credits are available for those wishing to donate in honor of someone lost to suicide.  Thanks!