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July 2022

Presenting The Silent Goldens Promo Video

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Ta-dah!  Introducing the first official promo for The Silent Goldens now living on this website! What a journey it’s been to get here, even without the 30 years of family silence about my mom’s suicide.

Setting a real deadline for myself – to have it ready for my upcoming conference workshop presentation at the American Foundation for Suicide Preventions Long Term Survivor’s Summit July 21-24 – has proven to be a necessary and important part of my creative process.  Pulling the team of co-producer, director, editor, graphic artist and sound mixer made me feel back in the game – doing what I know how to do in producing a project – and making this endeavor truly feel real to have people working alongside me.

Like with any project I’ve spent endless hours on, I can no longer look at it objectively but am proud it’s done and I very much hope you will like it.  It’s but a taste of what’s to come.

The work on the cut of the story is going well and I’ll be premiering new clips at the conference. I have also had new postcards made up to pass around at these events and hopefully that, along with this new promo, will help me raise the final funds needed to complete this film this year!

Please feel free to share, especially with those who may wish to honor someone lost to suicide with a memorial credit.  Just hit the donate button above and all the information about making a tax-deductible donation will appear!  Any help is a big help.