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October 2022

Talking About Suicide Loss with Tammi Ginsberg

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One of the reasons it has been so important for me to tell my story about my family’s silence after my mother’s suicide is the validation I feel hearing other people’s stories.  Although the details of everyone’s loss vary greatly, it seems that those who faced the aftermath in silence struggled the same type of fallout I did in the long-term – years of suppress pain eventually manifesting into their own mental health struggle.  Meeting and sharing stories with Tammi Ginsberg at the Long Term Suicide Survivors Summit I attended in Cleveland was one of those connections that really hit home for me. 

Tammi is the mother of two and a mental health professional in Frederick, MD. She is the president of the Maryland chapter of AFSP where she focuses on educating as many people as possible on the risks and warning signs associated with suicidality.  Tammi’s brother, Brian, died by suicide when she was a junior in college. At that time, there was a huge stigma around mental health and going to therapy was considered a weakness. Her journey of healing includes her own struggle with depression which catapulted her into her second career as an LCPC. In that role, she works with people with mood disorders as well as those who have been affected by suicide. 

The work she has done for herself and for others has been what I see as a very refreshing take on acceptance of grief and living in the journey of healing.  Find out what Tammi has to say in the latest episode of Talking About Suicide Loss found here.