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July 2023

The Silent Goldens Summer Update

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I wrote my college application essay about perseverance.  When I was 15 a close childhood friend had moved back to Japan with her family and I was invited to visit over the following summer.  My parents told me if I earned half the money for the trip, they would supplement that and allow me to travel on my own for this great adventure.  Filled with wanderlust even at a young age, I promptly got myself a job at Karemelkorn in the mall, one of the few places that hired people my age for a whopping $1.65 an hour.  I enjoyed working throughout the school year, but the scheduling kept me from other activities I liked, made keeping up with school work harder, and wasn’t always the most pleasant job.  With a very specific goal in mind, however, I persevered even when I was tired of it and eventually was able to take a once-in-a-ifetime trip.

When I began The Silent Goldens documentary, I knew it wouldn’t be easy but I believed my skills from my career in television, the subject matter, and the new purpose I felt I found would bring it together.

I learned the hard way that unlike being handed an idea and all the resources to back it up, having the idea but no resources would be a different type of endeavor and, it turns out, much more of a struggle.  I have learned things I am not very good at – fundraising in particular – and that working alone can be a trial.  

I was told independent documentaries take about 10 years.  I didn’t think that was possible but now I believe it!  I’m a few years shy of that landmark and I am determined to have the film finished well before I hit it – but meanwhile, I persevere.

We are in a very good place with the script and rough cut and hope to enter edit in the next month.  Fingers crossed grant money will be forthcoming to help with the visuals, graphics, and other elements that will make it look like a film!  I wish I had a more exciting update to share but promise to keep you posted as the little steps become bigger strides.

I am so grateful to all who have supported me and believe, as I do, that my message of speaking out about suicide loss is helpful, powerful, and worthy.  I continue my work for you, for me, and most especially for my mom.