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December 2019

Thanks and Giving

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Often I feel everything I am doing is going in slow motion while actual time keeps zipping by, but on Thanksgiving I took stock of how far The Silent Goldens documentary project has come since this time last year.  We’ve completed half of our principal interviews, edited and posted excerpt clips on, launched the monthly YouTube interview series Talking About Suicide Loss With, and I wrote an op-ed published on

While there are only so many ways to actually say thank you, I truly and consistently live in gratitude and recognition that every accomplishment has been possible because of help from others – from moral support to sharing knowledge and connections and, of course, the donations that are necessary to get this documentary done.  We are so close, the only thing keep us from reaching that goal is money.

Raising $50,000 by the end of January will allow us to finish principal filming in February and put us on target to having a solid cut of the film by the end of Summer 2020 when (breaking news!) I will be presenting at the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Long-Term Survivors of Suicide Loss Summit in Cleveland, Ohio.  Any amount large or small will help us reach this goal.  The need to bring this conversation into the public is urgent and – with your help – I can do it!  And, of course, matching corporate donations accepted!

Tomorrow is  Giving Tuesday and as you spread around your charitable funds, please consider making a tax deductible donation here to The Silent Goldens documentary.  As my family and I break our 30-year silence about my mother’s suicide, this film will increase awareness of the issues facing those left behind and encourage other to speak.

Donations accepted through the 501c3 International Documentary Association and memorial credits available in honor of those lost to suicide.

Suicide affects us all – or likely will one day – and a donation to this project is a direct and tangible way to help me help the millions of other suicide loss survivors deal with the aftermath of their own loss.  

Even if you can’t give financially, please follow us on Instagram | Twitter | Facebook and post about the project, like our web page, and subscribe to our Talking About Suicide Loss With series on YouTube!

Thanks in advance for giving!  Truly.
