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And Miles To Go Before I Sleep!

By November 5, 2019News

It happened!  November 3, 2019 at 8:19 pm at La Cienega near Durango my steady companion in life, my mystic teal mica Toyota Rav 4 reached 200,000 miles!  One day shy of 19 years and 4 months in my life.  

Creeping up on this number made me do a lot of thinking about what has changed in my life since I got that car at the beginning of my life in LA.  I’ve been reminiscing about the people and animals that have come and gone and how many adventures I took with my dog Riggs.  This was the only car he called his.  

It’s also hit me that I lost my mom at 19 and 6 days shy of four months.  So at the moment the car represents an entire lifetime to me.  When I noticed this, I also realized this is happening at a time when I’m taking major steps with The Silent Goldens documentary by reaching out to prominent loss survivors to help support the film and applying for grants.

Yes, it is blurry. But festive. I meant to do that?

Though I fear for the longevity of my car, I have no plans or desire to willingly give it up. We are a perfect match.  I, therefore, am looking at this new phase as our leap into the unknown.  I have never had a 200k mile car and I don’t know what will happen.  I, too, am putting myself and this project out there.  I have big plans to bring suicide loss survivor issues into the national conversation and am pulling out all the stops.

I wouldn’t say the Rav4 is still the smoothest ride, nor would I say trying to produce a documentary has been, however, we both keep rolling along!

Ruth Golden

Author Ruth Golden

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